How to choose a sport for you?

If you do not know how to choose the right sport for you, at GetQoralHealth we give you some keys from various specialists to make an appropriate choice of activity according to your physical condition and health.

If you have problems with a specific part of your body or, for example, you face bad back postures, a personal trainer or a sports doctor will know how to recommend the right exercise.

According to Dr. Franchella, from the University of Buenos Aires For people with obesity problems, physical activity is key to achieving weight loss.

However, due to the excess weight of a person, a doctor can only prescribe those activities that do not involve great efforts or jumps, to prevent damage to the joints.

The swimming or aquatic aerobic exercises They are two good examples of activities that do not overload the joints.

In the case of people with diabetes , physical activity improves the use of sugar by the body's cells, which reduces its harmful presence.

Diabetics should avoid any activity that may cause rubbing of the skin with stockings or shoes, due to the difficulty in healing the foot injuries , warns the Argentine specialist.

They should also know that if, at the time of starting a physical activity, the blood sugar levels are below 100 mg / dl, it is not convenient to perform it; the same as if those levels are above 400 mg / dl. Between 200 and 300 mg / dl, physical activity must be performed under medical supervision.

On the other hand, those who have alterations of the cholesterol, they should not expect immediate beneficial effects from a sports practice. The improvements are observed 2 or 3 months after the start of physical activity, especially in patients with triglycerides elevated. In them, the duration of the exercise is more important than its intensity.

In the hypertensive , the positive effects of physical activity - a decrease in blood pressure - can be observed 10 to 12 hours after its completion. However, they should avoid any effort like lifting or carrying loads because they can raise the blood pressure .

For those who suffer peripheral vascular disease , characterized by a decrease in the blood flow of the legs, the planning of the walks It's fundamental.

Therefore, it is important to determine the distance in which the pain appears in the legs, so as not to walk more than 70% of that distance in each hike. The succession of those walks , which should be daily, will allow prolonging the distance at which the pain appears.

For its part, the fitness trainer Víctor Flórez explains that the advantages of having a personal trainer are many, among which is the development of a training plan that suits your needs.

It is a matter of a professional teaching you how to perform a specific exercise adapted to the needs of your anatomy, making the most of your effort and without hurting you.

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