Exercise prolongs your life

Do exercise helps to be in shape and improves the Health . However, recent studies mention that the benefits multiply the more you exercise. The physical activity constant strengthens the immune system , which translates into fewer diseases and longer life.

How many more years do you want to live?

Prolong life: If you exercise 15 minutes six days a week, increase your life span by three years, according to a Taiwanese study.

Prevents diabetes: Research published in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport showed that about 40 minutes of exercise five times a week improves control of sugar in the blood , which helps prevent the development of diabetes type 2

It makes you happy: the exercise increase your energy and reduce the stress . One study found that 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times a week is as effective as a medication to treat depression .

Strengthen your heart: 50 minutes of exercise three times a week reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in the women.

Lose weight: exercising for 55 minutes five days a week helps you lose 10% of your weight .

Scientists say that the average life of Mexicans is 85 years, so it is important to practice some sport for the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases in old age and have a better quality of life as long as possible.

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Video Medicine: Exercise That Prolongs Your Life - Stephan Esser MD (full talk) (April 2024).