Floating spots on the eyes?

Dark spots or threads do not allow you to have good vision? These types of shapes called fly flies appear as people get older, however, they can be causing serious diseases for the eye.

According to National Eye Institute (NEI) of the United States, fly flies are small spots, threads and cobwebs that float in the visual field while the eye is in motion.

Normally, when you try to observe them fixedly, they disappear from sight; however, they are more noticeable when looking at a bright background, blue sky or a white wall.

The also known as myodesopsies are small clusters of microscopic fibers found in the vitreous humor (gelatinous substance that fills the eyeball) and that are reflected through the retina.

People who are more at risk of suffering from this type of problem are those over 50, as well as those who have myopia , Diabetic retinopathy , eye inflammation, injuries in the eyes or be a complication of a surgery waterfalls .

In most cases, flies are part of aging and only cause discomfort, but in other situations it can cause infections, hemorrhages and detached retina .

Therefore, it is important that you go to a specialist if you notice any change in your vision, or if you notice an increase in spots, flashes of light and loss of peripheral vision.

Remember that good visual health is essential for you to enjoy everything around you and capture moments that will remain in your mind forever. Beware!

Video Medicine: Management of Eye Floaters - Colin McCannel, MD, FACS, FRCSC | UCLAMDCHAT (April 2024).