1. Seek support from others

When all aspects of your life are going well, it is very easy to feel grateful , get up every morning and think about how lucky you are. But when you go through Bad times Maintaining this attitude, however impossible it may seem, is essential to get ahead.


In the face of demoralization, gratitude It has the power to energize. Faced with despair, thank brings hope. In other words, being grateful can help us face difficult times, "he says. Robert Emmons , professor of psychology of the University of California .

In order to overcome the Bad times , which are usually the ones that teach you more about life, there are certain things that you should not forget. Here some of them, based on information from Kaia Roman , author of "The Joy Plan" .


1. Seek support from others

When you tell him your problems to others you realize that you are not the only one who goes through bad times. By doing so you get tips and help based on experiences of people who managed to get ahead. Some of them can be useful for you too.


2. You are stronger than you think

"The deepest sadness that sculpts in his being, more joy than it can contain", Khalil Gibran, author of "The Prophet"

Video Medicine: Rich And Poor People Seek To Understand Each Other (May 2024).