How many calories are indicated for you?

Nearly 11% of the world's male population suffers from obesity , a condition that generates cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other ailments. To maintain a proper weight and health status there are certain foods basic that should be in the diet of the mens .

The mens moderately active older than 19 years need an average of 2,200 to 2,800 calories per day to maintain a weight healthy, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services .


How many calories are indicated for you?

There are several factors that you should consider to calculate the calories what your body needs, the nutritionist Carmen Haro He explains them to you in the next video.


What foods should a male diet include?

Oats, turkey breast, salmon, milk, whole grains, olive oil, beans and eggs are foods basic that you have to include in your diet . Its different properties will help you live more and better.


How does oatmeal help the heart?

Thanks to beta-glucan, a form of Soluble fiber , oats help regulate the levels of sugar in the blood and decrease the excess cholesterol , indicates Marisa Moore , nutritionist spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . Consume 1 ½ cups per day.


Does turkey breast help fertility?

It is rich in zinc , which helps improve the production of sperm , it states Elizabeth Ward , nutriologist author of "The Pocket Idiot's Guide to the New Food Pyramids" . Eat 3 servings of turkey breast per week.


Is whole milk good?

Consumed in adequate quantities, two glasses a day, the milk It is beneficial to maintain the Bone density and the blood coagulation , thanks to calcium . You can also exchange it for almond or soy milk.


What whole grain is better?

The quinoa . It has a light flavor and has more proteins than other whole grains. It is also a source of unsaturated fats and vitamins B Group , it states, Christopher Mohr , professor of nutrition of the University of Louisville .


What is the benefit of eating olive oil?

This oil has properties anti-inflammatory , which means it can help you fight the pain and the inflammation when presented, indicates a study published by the journal Nature . Season your salads with 2 tablespoons.


Are beans suitable for weight loss?

The fiber that contain "swells" in the stomach and promotes the sensation of satiety , so you will eat less while you feel full of Energy , explains the nutritionist Jennifer R. Bathgate . Eat two servings a week.


What about the egg and the cholesterol?

One piece a day is not harmful to your health, especially if your levels of cholesterol they are stable, they also contain amino acids that help you grow muscular , and hill that improves your memory , says the nutritionist Elizabeth Ward .



Men who eat food Scrap , even once a week, they increase 20% the risk of dying for coronary diseases , indicates the School of Public Health . Avoid them as much as you can and eat healthy!