Help your partner control jealousy

When we talk about jealousy of partner We are not talking about a single feeling . It is a frequent problem that our partner do not know how control the jealousy when she perceives that she is given to other people, what she wants only for her (love, time, company, attention).

They become a serious problem when they are intense, frequent, last a long time, are caused by a created, exaggerated or imaginary situation, and affect the way they behave physically and emotionally.

If you do not know how control jealousy , the partner believes that their relationship is being threatened . Is threat It can be real or imaginary, and the response of the person who feels jealousy It may be adequate or inadequate.

These behaviors they are not exclusive to a person jealous , but they can also be characteristics of someone controller . However, if you pay attention to what happens in your relationship and in each one of you, you could solve the problems before they take on greater proportions.

In this respect, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of , in which the psychologist Rocío Arocha explain how you could help your partner with his problem of jealousy :

Before the jealousy , as before any problem or change of conduct , the first step is the recognition and the acceptance . We can not act as psychologists or therapists of our partner , not even if we really are; Since we are too involved to be objective and impartial, we do not know how control jealousy .

The most advisable, in case your partner be jealous , is to support it and understand what happens to it. Remember that the person who has jealousy , is who should take responsibility and work for control them , if possible with the help of a therapist .

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Video Medicine: How to Deal With Jealousy In Your Marriage (May 2024).