9 reasons to choose a coach

When you want exercise , there are two powerful reasons to have specialized advice: the coach forces you to work (by having an appointment and pay for it), and raises objectives is essential (the assistance and advice of a personal trainer is very important), according to Alex Jiménez, professional coach recognized in Spain.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you some reasons to share your exercise routines under the watchful eye of an expert:1. Motivation . Qualified personal trainers provide structure, responsibility and help you develop a lifestyle that promotes health. The main reason to leave a training program It is the loss of motivation.

2. Custom program. A coach can work, along with a medical specialist, to plan a safe and effective program that considers your needs (or injuries) and helps you maximize your results in the shortest time possible.

3. Improve techniques. If you practice a sport concrete, a personal instructor will help you improve your technique by showing you new exercises specific.

4. Beginner If you are a beginner, the personal trainer is a fundamental piece in your physical instruction, because it gives you security and knowledge to decide what is best for you.

5. Overcome states of stagnation. If you are in good shape but have not advanced for years, or if you want to continue to another level, a personal guide is the ideal solution.

6. Learn to train by yourself. All good personal trainers will teach you the basics to create and modify fitness programs to achieve maximum results.

7. Train safely. A professional monitors your form, posture and informs you about your limits and strengths. Most of us tend to ignore the subtle signals that our body gives us; a coach helps you to work more or less, as necessary.

8. Train at home. Many personal trainers work at home, if you have no interest in signing up for a fitness center .  

9. Losing weight. If you intend to lose fat and gain muscle, a coach can keep you on track to achieve this goal.

One last tip from Alex Jimenez: "Try a good personal trainer, even if it's only for a couple of sessions, and then decide".

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