Pollen, beginning of life ... and allergies

While the exchange of pollen from one plant to another goes unnoticed to our eyes, in nature this process can mean the beginning of a new life.

The pollen grains contain the male gametophyte of the flower, the one that penetrates the female organs of the plant and fertilizes the ovules, making possible the production of seeds and fruits.

The palinología studies the pollen of the plants with flower and analyzes the spores produced by the fungi, ferns and mosses, and, at the same time, analyzes his effects in the human health, like for example the fever of the hay: an allergic reaction of the organism product of the inhalation of pollen and spores suspended in the air at certain times of the year.

The symptoms are nasal congestion, sneezing, itching inside the nose, irritation of the eyes and throat. In severe cases, it can cause fever and critical asthma symptoms.

The palynologists of Institute of Geology of the UNAM They have carried out analyzes of pollen and spore concentrations in the atmosphere of Mexico City. According to the results, in the country's capital hay fever or allergic rhinitis occurs mainly during the rains, when grains of pollen from grasses are abundant.

The pollens that cause hay fever vary from one person to another and from one area to another. The tiny and difficult pollens are what often cause this discomfort. Examples of plants that cause hay fever are: trees, grasses and ambrosia.

In some cases, the symptoms of this condition are aggravated by the spores that abound in the city's atmosphere, due to the presence of fecal matter and outdoor garbage deposits, where mushrooms that reach their maximum reproduction point proliferate. in times of humidity.

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Video Medicine: How to Improve Pollen Allergies (April 2024).