Lose the fear!

Probably go to gynecologist and to dentist These are the two medical visits that nobody wants to go to and that we postpone until we can not take it anymore. Either because of the physical discomfort they can cause or simply because fear . If you are of these people, this note interests you, we will give you some tips so that you no longer suffer when going to the gynecologist.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG, for its acronym in English) recommends visiting the gynecologist as a routine, once a year, not only to prevent illness or prevent pregnancy, but also to have a more satisfying sex life, so in several brochures advises the following points so that You feel comfortable every time you go to the gynecologist.


Lose the fear!

 See little by little

Talk to your doctor about your fear and tell him / her that your first date It will be just to talk about your symptoms and clarify your doubts about the procedures that will be performed. This can be a way for the two to get to know each other.

Ask someone to accompany you

It is easier to face any fear if we have company. Ask your mom, to your partner or to a trustworthy friendship that goes with you, you may not enter the consultation but you will know that there is someone out there waiting for you and supporting you. This will make it easier for you.

Inform yourself and take it out

Do not be afraid to be judged. ACOG points out that the vast majority of us We share the same health problems. Colic and problems related to our menstrual cycles , infections or hormonal changes They are normal. So feel safe and the doctor has seen your ailments hundreds of times.

Think it's something natural

If you're sorry to show your private parts, relax, it's nothing the doctor has not seen before. The ACOG advises that you avoid douching, talcs or wet wipes, as they can generate more Bacteria, cause allergic reactions and interfere with tests or exams. Think that the gynecologist is someone you trust and will only look at the state of your health, not the beauty.

It is better prevent

If your fear comes from thinking that they may think you have some disease. Do not worry medical ethics indicates that a doctor can not give you a diagnosis, if this is not 100% sure, so it is likely to sweeten the result a bit, especially if you ask. But consider that it is better to know in time if you have any disease to be able to take a treatment, before the problem worsens.

Take charge of your health, be brave and lose fear, It's just a visit to the doctor.

Video Medicine: How to Overcome Fear (May 2024).