Removing clothes eliminates 90% the effects of radiation

In accordance with The Mayo Clinic , in the United States, with the simple act of removing clothes and shoes, it is possible to eliminate 90% of external contamination by radiation . In the case of the skin, it is enough to wash with soap and water. With these precautions, the Mayo Clinic points out that the risk of breathing or ingesting radioactive particles is reduced or that they enter open wounds.

However, if a person receives an average of 10 minutes of radiation intense, it can generate various health damages such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness and low blood pressure. When the exposure is mild, these symptoms can appear up to 6 hours later.

For its part, the National Council for the Protection and Measurement of Radiation In the United States, it clarifies that the radiation is invisible, has no taste, no smell, nor is it possible to feel it on the skin and it can originate from the sun, the stars and the ground. In the United States, for example, half of the exposure comes from medical treatments such as X-rays , body scans Y nuclear medicine . However, the alert, declared after the failures in the nuclear plants of Fukushima , Japan, raised doubts about the effects of radiation on health in the short and long term.

Therefore, the National Radiation Protection Council, reports that the average exposure of people per year is 3 thousand microsieverts, which is equivalent to a scan by tomography, which lasts a few minutes. The longer the exposure lasts, the faster and more intense the symptoms of the radiation .

As precautionary measures to avoid collateral effects to all people who have been exposed to radiation, the Japanese government is distributing potassium iodide , which protects the gland thyroid , which is one of the most affected, such as the use of blue coloring of Prussia and the chemist pentaacetic diethylenetriamine , which help to encapsulate and eliminate harmful particles.

However, the government of the United States and other nations have expressed their concern for a radioactive pollution . Here, we present you a fragment of the News Present. R.T. com about this situation.


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