Go ahead and run the race Imagen! This is April 22 and will cost 400 pesos.

If after a lot of thought you finally decided to run, you need a good pair of shoes to do it the right way.

When running all your weight falls on the heels and to avoid injuries there ideal footwear to pamper your feet.

The key to a good training, to perform at maximum physical activity and avoid problems in feet and joints is know how to choose the ideal footwear .

A study of British Journal of Sports Medicine recommends adjustable tennis shoes, especially for people who start running.

Safe steps

If you are looking for a ideal footwear that gives you security and comfort takes advantage of those with the customized fit, they will give you a smooth and light ride.

Try to do it at sunset when you go shopping. Experts recommend this time of day in which the foot is dilated and buy a larger number, so that the swelling caused by running does not affect you.


Go ahead and run the race Imagen! This is April 22 and will cost 400 pesos.

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