Do not let them hurt you!

Fear, anguish and worry are the emotions experienced by a patient diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and they change as the treatment progresses, but in what other way does the patient pancreatic cancer affects your emotional health?

In the next video, the doctor Angélica Cruz, medical manager of Eli Lily , explains what the pancreatic cancer .


Do not let them hurt you!

According to the American Cancer Society , seize different emotions to the patient during and after treatment of thepancreas ancer .

Experts explain that many people often think about death or how pancreatic cancer will change their personal and professional lives.

Even the high cost of treatments usually generate economic concern, so they think about reducing their visits to the doctor. Also, they feel anxious about the time they should invest in treatments.

One way to prevent these emotional damages is to have the support of family and friends, who are in charge of providing the strength to continue with the treatment and eradicate the disease.

The American Cancer Society assures that cancer is a very lonely experience, but if affected people talk with those around them, they will feel more relief and recover the desire to enjoy life.

To deal with emotions successfully, the patient must find a way to express those feelings, enjoy time in private and with their family members, exercise, perform any activity they enjoy.

Otherwise, if the patient is sad all the time, has trouble sleeping or just thinks about death, it is necessary to take him to therapy to calm those feelings of anguish, panic or anxiety.

Video Medicine: Please don't let them hurt your children (April 2024).