Get active!

It is no secret to anyone that at thirty women begin to experience changes in their body. In this stage the levels of grease increase from 33% to 45% more, accumulating mainly around the abdomen , waist , arms Y hips .

The endocrinologist, Juliana Mociulsky , explains that from the thirties there may be changes in the organism related to hereditary predisposition, habits dietetics and the physical activity . At this age we lose muscle and ours metabolism it slows down

The ideal is to put a brake on and avoid accumulation of fat , especially in those difficult areas. To achieve this, it is necessary to take care of our diet and perform exercises to help us burn calories . Check out what exercise It's effective if you're in your thirties.


Get active!

1. Walk Although it is a exercise low impact, help burn  grease because it activates themetabolism and prevents diseases . When combined with a diet adequate  they lose morecalories , everything depends on the intensity and body weight .

2. Fixed bicycle. So that the burning ofcalories be effective, it is recommended to do 20 minutes, four times a week. For better results, theexercise It must be intense and fast.

3. Step. Is aphysical activity ideal for burn calories because you do an intense work in a bench of 10 to 20 centimeters high in which you go up and down following a choreography marked by the instructor, it is usually done in a group for approximately one hour.

4. Abdominals. Lie on your back, bend your knees and support your feet on the floor; cross your arms on your chest or behind the head ; elevates with great care head followed by the torso until you reach an angle of 90 degrees; contracts the abdomen; Hold for one or two seconds and return without your back completely on the ground. 20 repetitions.

5. Rope Jumping the rope is aexercise  aerobic cash burn fat if you're in your thirties . You can make combinations: jump with your feet together; alternate the feet; Take small jumps without getting too high. There are studies that say that jumping for 10 minutes is equivalent to running for 30 minutes.

When you start and end the routine remember that it is important that you performexercises of warm-ups and stretching to relax your muscles , in addition to keeping well hydrated.

The American College of Sports Medicine confirms that the average adult needs to spend at least 30 minutes ofexercise  aerobic five days a week, or 20 minutes ofexercise intense three times a week. If you are in your thirties, are you ready to start with the routine to burn fat?

Video Medicine: DJ UPGRADE-get active (April 2024).