Anxiety, the main emotion

It is normal for most people to focus on the feelings of the future mother and leave aside the emotions that parents live during pregnancy.

In my case, my husband and I shared an explosion of happiness, love and emotion when the test was positive and the gynecologist confirmed the news: They are pregnant.

The only thing we wanted to do was share the news with our loved ones, but we had to wait for the "regulatory" three months to give the "good news".

During those three months, my husband had to put up with my mood swings without being able to "let off steam" with someone else ... All the emotional charge and care went on his own.


Anxiety, the main emotion

When interviewing the psychologist Julio César Paredes, psychologist at the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico , I realized that it is normal for future parents to experience a mixture of happiness, anxiety and nervousness.


"Men feel a lot of anxiety because unlike mom, they do not have a physical bond with the baby. The questions arise of: how is it going to be ?, how will I educate ?, etc., "said the specialist.

He also told me that one of the reasons for this anxiety is the changes in the mother's mood, that is, they do not know how to react to them.


Integrate it!

An advice given by the psychologist Julio César Paredes is that they too get pregnant, that is, the couple must take care of the pregnancy; that the father is not only the provider, but that the mother involves him in all the processes so that the anxiety and fears that seize him are reduced.

And in my case, since we heard the news, my husband caressed his belly, talked to the baby and played with him. Thanks to this, emotional bonds were created between them, so much so that when my son was born, he stopped crying when he heard his dad's voice. He recognized his voice!

To date they strengthen their relationship every second they spend together playing and learning from each other.

Given this, I only need to thank my husband for all the understanding, love and care he has given our son and me since this incredible stage.