1. They have no explanatory power

Know the news can be bad for your health, because they make it difficult creativity , lead to fear and aggression, says the writer Rolf Dobelli .

According to Dobelli, the news that today offer in abundance the means of communication can become toxic .


We still do not understand that the news is for our mind like sugar for the body, "he adds.

Among the reasons given by Rolf Dobelli to leave aside, at least for a few days, the news and be happy are these:


1. They have no explanatory power

Articles and news are bubbles that explode on the surface of a world that is getting deeper and deeper. Will the accumulation of facts help you understand the world? Unfortunately not.

2. They are toxic to the body

The information of the means constantly forces to activate the limbic system . Horror stories stimulate the release of glucocorticoids (cortisol), which deregulates the immune system. That is, the body is in a state of stress chronic.

The high levels of glucocorticoids cause the deterioration of digestion, lack of growth (cell, hair, bone), nervousness and susceptibility to infections . Other potential side effects are fear, aggression, decreased vision and desensitization .


3. Cognitive errors increase

Warren Buffett He assured that what the human being does best is play all new information so that your previous conclusions remain intact. The news aggravates this defect.

We become prone to excess trust We take stupid risks and misjudge opportunities.

4. They impede thinking

The thought process requires concentration . This implies an uninterrupted time. The news has been specifically designed to interrupt it.


"They are like viruses that steal attention for their own purposes, they make us superficial thinkers, and even worse, they seriously affect memory," he says.


5. They are like a drug

The stories unfold and we want to know how they continue. With hundreds of arbitrary arguments in our heads, this desire is increasingly urgent and difficult to ignore.


6. They steal time

Yes read the newspaper for 15 minutes each morning; then we go through the news for another similar time at lunch and again before going to bed, it turns out that we lose at least half of one day weekly.


7. They make people passive

The daily repetition of news about realities that we can not act on makes us liabilities . They affect us until we adopt a vision of the world more pessimistic , makes us insensitive, sarcastic and fatalistic.


8. News kill creativity

The things that we already know limit the creativity . This is one of the reasons why mathematicians, novelists, composers and entrepreneurs often produce most of their work at a young age.


Their brains have a large 'uninhabited' space that allows them to come up with new ideas. "

Give yourself a few days to free your mind and enjoy the happiness that offers not knowing so many bad things.

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