Food addiction similar to drug addiction

Seeing a cue order can activate the same regions in the brain that turn on when a addict sees cocaine , according to a new study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Researchers used functional magnetic resonances to see what happened to young women when offered a tempting dish. They were shown a chocolate milkshake or a dish without much appeal. Volunteer women were thin, in their average weight and obese.

The results indicated that upon seeing the shake, the brain activity in certain regions it coincided with the one that is implicated in the urgency to consume drugs in a addict .

"The results support the theory that the Obsessive food consumption could be driven due to an anticipation exalted by the gratifying properties of food "He mentioned Ashley Gearhardt , researcher at Yale University and participant in the study.

The researchers pointed out that poorly targeted advertising and the possibility of buying junk food at very low prices can make it extremely difficult to change the taste for healthier foods, since Constant fast food ads trigger reactions in the reward system.

The study suggests that advertising plays a very important role in a country's obesity problems, and that it is necessary to take action against it.

Mexico ranks number 1 in obesity according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), followed by the United States.

Source: Reuters.

Video Medicine: Insidermedicine In Depth - March 29, 2010 - Food Addiction (May 2024).