Head injuries

It is normal that suddenly we have small momentary oblivion , but when it becomes chronic, it can completely alter your rhythm of life, that is why here we tell you what causes the loss of memory and how to fight it.

When you start having these episodes of short forgettings , we must find the cause. There are many reasons that can make you forget things, even slightly, or what is known as transient memory loss. Among the most common are:

Medicines. Among them if you take antidepressants, antihistamines, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, medicines to combat anxiety and pain killers (pain medicines) that are prescribed after surgery.

Alcohol . The excess of alcohols is a known cause of memory loss.

Tobacco. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain and, as a consequence, impairs memory function.

Drugs Its continuous use causes changes in brain chemicals, which makes it hard to remember things.

Lack of sleep. Both the amount of sleep and its quality affect memory. If you sleep too little or wake up frequently during the night, you may feel fatigued. And fatigue interferes with the ability to capture information and remember it later.

Depression and anxiety. If you are depressed, it is difficult for you to pay attention and concentrate, which affects your memory. The same goes for anxiety. When you feel tense, you can not concentrate and your ability to remember decreases.

Stress . If the cause of the stress is an emotional trauma, it can lead to the loss of memory.

Poor nutrition Good nutrition is important for the proper functioning of the brain. You must include high quality proteins and fats in your diet. Do not forget, also, that the deficiency of vitamins B1 and B12 can affect memory.

Aging. It usually causes difficulty learning new things, or you may need more time to learn them. But it does not usually produce a significant loss of memory, unless accompanied by an illness.

Sometimes the loss of memory occurs as a result of more serious problems, and may or may not be transient. All these problems require immediate medical treatment. Do not neglect yourself and seek help in any of these cases:


Head injuries

A strong blow to the head can cause short or long term memory loss. Usually, the memory is returning little by little.


Stroke (or stroke)

It occurs when the blood supply to the brain is stopped due to blockage of a blood vessel, or by the spilling of a blood vessel in the brain. Stroke sometimes causes a temporary loss of memory. In some cases, the patient remembers exactly what happened years ago, but not what happened the previous day.



It is the progressive loss of memory and other aspects of thought, serious enough to make it difficult to function in the activities of daily life. Although there are several causes (such as alcohol and drug abuse), the most common is Alzheimer's disease.

As you see, occasional forgetfulness does not have to be cause for concern. But if you notice that they repeat more than the account or that interfere with your daily activities, it is advisable that you go to the doctor for an evaluation.

Maybe everything is easily solved with the replacement of a medication or a change in your habits or your lifestyle. And if the cause is a more serious problem, remember that the sooner it is detected and treated, the more possibilities there are to find a solution.


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