Follow these steps and maintain good visual health!

Annually millions of people register problems in their visual health, that of not being attended to in time can generate the loss of vision, it details the National Eye Institute (NEI) of the United States .

To have a healthy vision, you should go frequently with a specialist, who through some basic studies examines your eyes in depth, in order to detect timely the development of diseases or infections that can damage your eyesight.


Follow these steps and maintain good visual health!

Even if you do not have eye discomfort, you should practice the following studies, which will help you protect your vision:


  1. Dilation of pupils: The oculist puts some drops in the eyes to dilate the pupils to the patient. This will help the specialist to observe a problem or damage to the retina with a magnifying lens.
  2. Tonometry: It helps to measure the pressure of the eye to rule out the presence of glaucoma.
  3. Visual fields: Measure lateral or peripheral vision to determine if you are in good condition or can develop glaucoma.
  4. Visual acuity: With this test, the health of your eyesight is measured, that is, the specialist places you in a chair so that you can observe a poster with letters of different sizes.

Comprehensive vision studies are the only way to prevent vision loss, as they help detect any abnormalities early or serve as a guide for doctors to offer appropriate treatment. And you, how many times a year do you visit the oculist?

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Video Medicine: 10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight (April 2024).