Give freshness back to your face!

Many times our face looks dull, with some lines of expression, they even say that we are exhausted or tired, but how to take care of the skin of the face to see us younger and cheerful?According to a...

Say goodbye to acne!

Knowing your skin type is very important to prevent problems that damage your appearance and self-esteem, such as facial shine or blocking pores that cause pimples, pimples or acne.According to the...

Avoid them and always look great!

The skin is the largest organ of our body, and it is necessary to pay attention to certain parts where it is usually more delicate as the face and neck. Therefore, sometimes we must avoid the...

1. White tea

Women spend about 50% of their income on products to have their skin healthy and beautiful They forget that nature offers options that are excellent to take care of it, as is the case of...

5 nutrients that eliminate acne

The acne It is a condition that is manifested by pimples or blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts.There are many myths related to foods that cause or aggravate the problems of acne. Such is the...

5 pros and cons of permanent delineation

Women like to look beautiful and attractive all the time, so before leaving they spend a lot of time on their personal grooming; however, one way to speed it up is through cosmetic procedures such as...

5 reasons why your mouth hurts

There are multiple factors that can produce pain mouth. In GetQoralHealth we give you 5 reasons why your mouth can hurt.1. Burning mouth syndrome (BMS): It is a complex problem that causes discomfort...

Win some colored contact lenses

A look has the capacity to open, not only the doors of a heart, but of the whole world. The contact lenses of color allow you, like cosmetics, to immediately improve your appearance and above all,...

5 natural remedies vs blackheads

Among the most common aesthetic problems that women face are blackheads, which are located mainly in the T area of ​​the face: forehead, nose and chin.These are dead cells that mix with the sebum of...

5 remedies vs expression lines

Have you noticed that the lines of expression are more and more visible on your face? This means that you skin he needs more hydration and more specific care. So avoid the tired and lifeless...

5 signs to know that your corrector is effective

Undoubtedly one of the most common problems in women are the eye bags; besides the generation of good habits like sleep on average 7 hours, breathe correctly and reduce the intake of alcoholic...

Take advantage of them!

The shine on the face can be uncomfortable for many women, because it gives an unhealthy appearance, but how to remove the shine of the face?This problem is related to various causes such as stress,...

5 makeup tips for brown skin

The dark skin is envied by pale women around the world, but it is often difficult to find the makeup for dark skin that is perfect to highlight the best features of your face.If you are looking for...

5 makeup tips for each type of lips

The makeup of lips is very important to give beauty and balance to the face. In agreement The mouth is one of the parts of the face that attracts the most attention. Therefore, it is...

5 beauty tips from Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt He is considered one of the most beautiful and sexy men in the world. GetQoralHealth reveals your beauty tips, so you look like a star:1. Say goodbye to irritation: for what skin Do not get...

5 tips to care for male skin

There are three physiological factors that differentiate skin masculine of the feminine: thickness, firmness and sebaceous secretion. The masculine one is 24% more thick than the feminine one, reason...

5 tips for skin care in spring

Spring is about to arrive and with it, the routine of beauty for the care of the skin It must change to look spectacular. The skin is the first organ that detects climate changes, which is why its...

5 tips to remove pimples and pimples

The pimples and pimples are a type of acne, in which small dark or gray spots appear in the pores of the skin. These are caused by the excess fat accumulated in the pores, which oxidizes and it is...

5 tips to choose a mask for eyelashes

The tabs They are formed by scales of keratin and its function is to protect the eyes from dust and foreign bodies that are in the environment; In addition, they filter the sun's rays, which helps...

5 tips to remove facial hair

The hair that appears on women's faces directly impacts their self-esteem, which generates embarrassment or shyness; However, there are some tips to remove facial hair in an easy and simple...