5 nutrients that eliminate acne

The acne It is a condition that is manifested by pimples or blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts.

There are many myths related to foods that cause or aggravate the problems of acne . Such is the case of chocolate or high-fat foods. So far there is no study that shows that the consumption of certain foods is the direct cause of the acne . However, there are nutrients that greatly reduce the severity of the problem, GetQoralHealth tells you what they are

1. Diet with low glycemic index: It is based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates refined that increase the levels of glucose in blood , like: white bread, pasta, sweet bread, sweets, among others.

2. Vitamin A : An extra contribution of this vitamin and the topical application of derivatives (retinol) reduce the production of sebum and improve various dermatological processes, including the acne . It is advisable to consume carrots, papaya, spinach and peppers.

3. Vitamin E: It is very useful for the immune system because it has functions antioxidants , which protects fats in the body from oxidation and also eliminates free radicals that can damage the skin . The foods that contain Vitamin E are the seeds such as flaxseed, sunflower seeds and vegetable oils.

4. Vitamin C: Protect the skin against the harmful effects of free radicals . Help the immune system to fight against infections and the acceleration of the healing of the lesions of the acne .

5. Zinc: Maintains the production of hormones in equilibrium. A hormonal imbalance resulting from the deficiency of zinc It can lead to excess sebum production. Seeds, legumes such as beans and beans, are good sources of zinc .

So, although there is apparently no direct relationship between the foods consumed and the appearance of the acne , a diet balanced helps to reduce the severity of acne .

Video Medicine: Put an End to Adult Acne (May 2024).