5 reasons why your mouth hurts

There are multiple factors that can produce pain mouth . In GetQoralHealth we give you 5 reasons why your mouth can hurt.

1. Burning mouth syndrome (BMS): It is a complex problem that causes discomfort in the mouth , lips and tongue. The main symptom is a burning sensation on the tongue, lips, throat, gums or palate. Those who suffer from it say that it is a sensation in the mouth as if they had been in contact with boiling water.

Although the exact cause of BMS , some researchers, like the Dr. Begoña Palacios , of the Department of Buccofacial Surgery of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Complutense University of Madrid , indicate as possible causes: changes associated with menopause , deficiencies of nutrition, nervous damage and oral infections such as oral thrush.

2. Candidiasis of the mouth: According to experts from Medical Center of the University of Maryland , it is a yeast infection of the mucous membranes lining the mouth and the language. Buccal candidiasis occurs when a fungus called candida multiplies in the mouth

Among the factors that can increase the chances of suffering from oral candidiasis is: having an infection due to HIV or AIDS , prolonged use or high doses of antibiotics, receiving chemotherapy or medications that suppress the immune system, or taking steroids . Oral candidiasis is commonly seen in babies and is not considered abnormal in them unless it lasts for more than two weeks.

3. Trench mouth, or Vincent's stomatitis. It is a painful bacterial infection that involves swelling (inflammation) and ulcers on the gums (gingiva). The term "mouth Trench "comes from the First World War, when the disorder was common among soldiers.

According to doctors explain Florida Institute of Periodontology , the mouth It usually presents a balance between different bacteria. However, this condition occurs when there are too many normal bacteria in the mouth. The gums become infected and develop painful ulcers.

This disorder is rare, but when it occurs, it most often affects people aged 15 to 35 years. It can occur due to poor oral hygiene due to smoking.

Pain in the mouth It can also be produced as a reflection of diseases in other parts near the mouth, for example.

  1. Sinusitis: that is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and that, by its intensity, it can radiate pain in the teeth or the palate,
  2. Myocardial infarction: the existence of a myocardial infarction can produce pain in the jaw.

Pain in the mouth It is an unpleasant sensation that you should not ignore or try to self-medicate. Before the appearance of any type of pain of mouth It is essential to visit the doctor or dentist to diagnose the causes of the problem and apply the appropriate treatment to prevent the problem from worsening. Take care of your oral and dental health!