Everything can be possible?

"Die buried alive" , for many it can be the ideal plot of a horror movie. However, it is a latent possibility for those who suffer catalepsy. Although, at what point does this fear become phobia (tapefobia)?

One of the cases, in Mexico, more celebrated and, what was a myth is that of Joaquín Pardavé .

He was buried three days after his death, because the whole family was waiting for the arrival of the governor of Guanajuato and the municipal president of Pénjamo, because besides, the way he died, and his robust constitution, was in a state of decomposition, "he said. for Notimex Elena Pardavé, niece of the actor.


Everything can be possible?

The tapefobia Its about fear to be buried alive after a diagnosis of wrong death, usually due to a sudden disorder of immobility and apparent cessation of vital functions that can be postponed for days (catalepsy).

However, if a person were buried alive their chances of living are few, since death would come before exhausting the oxygen contained in the coffin, which would occur in an estimated time of 5 hours.

The dioxide of carbon exhaled to the environment during the very act of breathing would end up intoxicating the person much earlier, although it is certain that by then, the lack of oxygen would have already caused him to lose knowledge and enter a deep comatose state.

Currently being buried alive is not very possible, this thanks to medical advances. In addition, the law establishes a time for the body to be veiled, so that afterwards it is buried or incinerated.

Video Medicine: Anything Is Possible - BUT ONLY If You BELIEVE It Is - Motivational Video (April 2024).