Emotions in the treatment of cancer

When going through a treatment of childhood cancer, for parents it is not always clear the appropriate way in which they should accompany emotionally to his son.

Emotions manifest themselves anger , defeat, emotional regression, depressive disorder , panic Y anxiety widespread, as well as a greater number of ideas of death . Therefore, it is necessary that they receive support and advice from a psycho-oncologist.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the writer and lecturer Deborah King, Tells us how cancer has won:

While the little ones can provoke reactions like apprehension and fear of pain , as well as having, in the form of magical thinking, the illusion of a frank recovery after surgery.

Likewise, they may present changes in the conduct and emotions when others say that "everything will be fine", even though they have affraid to die in the operating room or by anesthesia. Therefore, it is necessary to implement coping strategies to resolve the situation and accept surgery.

In this regard, parents should organize themselves with the rest of the family in order to transmit to their son greater security, trust about the traumatic, the anxiety and frustration generated by the treatment. This strengthens adaptation, energy, effort and containment emotional to get advances.

It is also important that they request information from the experts and that they clarify doubts so as not to feed false beliefs and fears . As well as support to handle the frustration , with the purpose that the minor has an adequate response before the change of lifestyle and can better face the treatment of cancer."The principle of being patient is to start with oneself" . bojorge@teleton.org.mx

Video Medicine: Emotions patients face when dying | Norton Cancer Institute (April 2024).