Does your heart decide for you?

Sometimes choosing something is not easy for people, however, a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , reveals that the heartbeat directly influences the decision making of an individual.

According to the research, when we hear that a heart beats fast we are more honest, less selfish and make decisions that we consider morally fair.

Jun Gu, Chen-Bo Zhong and Elizabeth Page-Gould, authors of the research , they assure that the accelerated heart rate is one of the symptoms that people experience when faced with moral dilemmas.

Therefore, the researchers conducted four experiments where they proved that a person can change their decision making when listening to a rapid heartbeat, that is, becomes more ethical in their choices, defends the just causes and avoids lying for their own benefit.

Jun Gu, Chen-Bo Zhong and Elizabeth Page-Gould detail that the accelerated heartbeat is perceived as a sign of anguish, so it favors the behavior of making correct decisions so that the person feels relief.

Research shows that physiological responses play an important role in a person's decision-making, especially in those of moral behavior. And you, do you let yourself be carried by the heart in your decision making?

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