Do tickles generate pleasure?

You like the tickle ? Although it generates laughter, for many people it can be an unpleasant sensation; However, there are others who can enjoy this experience to the fullest because they qualify as tickling pleasure.

According to portal information Sexology , tickling can become a key element in erotic games by stimulating the areas responsible for pleasure.

The also known as Tickling It generates a great excitement in people by just doing or receiving tickling in different parts of the body, either with their hands or with other items such as feathers, flowers and fabrics.

The ideal places to generate these tickles of pleasure are the armpits, ribs, palms of the hands, face, knees, belly and feet. The key to use as a game or preamble is to do it smoothly.

On the other hand, Adrián Sapetti, of the Directive Commission of the Argentine Society of Sexuality, notes that the practice of tickling or "Tickling" does not necessarily imply the completion of penetration.

The specialist points out that when pleasure tickling is done with mutual agreement of the couple does not imply problems, on the contrary, a very strong level of ecstasy is generated.

"The tickling generates a release of amines in the brain that produce a sense of enjoyment, excitement and orgasm." Meanwhile, at an emotional level, a well-being is experienced and bonds are strengthened with the couple.

However, when a person can only become aroused in this way, it already implies a paraphilia knismolagnia , which should be treated with a specialized doctor, in order to achieve a full sexuality. And you, do you get turned on by tickling?

Video Medicine: Why do we laugh when we're tickled | Greg Foot | Ask Head Squeeze (April 2024).