Pathological anxiety generates phobias

The anxiety it is a natural emotion of all human beings, arising in situations of threat or danger; In addition, it is a response to uneasiness, anxiety or uncertainty. However, when it is too intense or too frequent it can become pathological or sickly.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the expert in health psychology, María Isabel Barrera , explains what the disorders of the anxiety , as well as its treatment. Know them!

Barrera points out that in the disorders of anxiety It is very common to find phobias simple, panic attacks or stress post-traumatic The most common psychic symptoms are: insecurity , fear, apprehension , negative thoughts, difficulty of concentration, hyperactivity and irritability. Meanwhile, the physical characteristics are:

  1. Palpitations
  2. Sweating
  3. Shaking chills
  4. Difficulty breathing
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Difficulty swallowing
  7. Sickness
  8. Muscle tension

The difference between fear and the anxiety is that with the first, the subject knows the external and delimited object that threatens and prepares for flight or coping thanks to a brief physiological response, while in the second, the origin of uncertainty is unknown.

Remember that the anxiety In a controllable degree it can be beneficial for the normal handling of the demands of everyday life and allows to improve personal performance and activity. So do not abuse this emotion.

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