Do you have psychopathic tendencies?

With the arrival of social networks, people have a greater interaction by exposing our experiences, tastes and ideas. Even a new study says that Twitter gives you the guidelines so you know how to detect a psychopath.

A study of Florida Atlantic University and the Online Privacy Foundation reveals that messages sent via twitter are key to identifying psychopathic traits in a person.

According to the research, the daily use of words you use when writing your messages helps you determine if you have psychopathic tendencies. For example, analyze how many times you write to die, kill, bury and the context in which they are written.

In the study, researchers say that, taking into account some contexts, the prediction of personality through social networks can be done with a good degree of accuracy.

For example, after analyzing two thousand 916 volunteers, through different personality tests, information about their profile on twitter and the messages they posted, the researchers discovered that 1.4% (41) of the participants have psychopathic traits.

The researchers Randall Wald and Amri Napolitano, under the direction of Taghi Khoshgoftaar , point out that psychopathy is a form of contempt for others, which manifests itself as a lack of empathy and the will to omit the rights of others. And you, do you have psychopathic tendencies?

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