According to el Texas Heart Institute , cardiovascular exercises are also called aerobics. They are characterized by motivating the body to use oxygen more efficiently, and to improve the functioning of organs such as the lungs and the circulatory system.

However, your practice may give you other benefits, and GetQoralHealth , with information from Huffpost Voce presents you seven, which will motivate you to implement these exercises to your daily routine:

1. Goodbye to fat. A study published by the magazine Journal of Applied Phisiology and made by the Duke University Medical Center, indicates that doing cardiovascular exercise is the best way to burn fat, since it only requires half the time of a combined routine (aerobic and weights). In addition, fatigue is less.

2. Brain . When you dress and tie your shoes, your gray matter sends signals to your preparation body. Without realizing it, your breathing and your heart rate accelerate. When you start to sweat, your brain releases endorphins to relieve the possible pain of intense training. The chemicals of "happiness," such as dopamine, are released during and after exercise to improve mood.

3. Heart The moment you start an exercise routine, example buzzes, your heart starts beating progressively faster, pumping more blood. Then it accelerates to 160 or 180 beats per minute (60 to 80 resting) during the most intense moments. Remember, the more your heart is strengthened, the better your health condition in general will be.

4. Lungs Oxygen is the ingredient that the muscles need to convert carbohydrates and fat into fuel. To get more air, you start to breathe faster, 12 to 15 breaths per minute, while you rest, and from 35 to 45 when you are at a higher level. Be encouraged thinking that the faster you go, the more calories you will burn.

5. Fight cancer. A study published in the magazine Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , notes that men who exercise that helps them improve their cardio-respiratory capacity are less likely to die of cancer.

Cardiovascular exercises are ideal for you to get the body you want, but also the health necessary to realize all your dreams. So, what are you waiting for?

Video Medicine: What is HIIT? 7 Proven HIIT Benefits and How to Do It Properly | The Health Nerd (May 2024).