Start adapting and enjoy more

The summer It is synonymous with fun and vacations, although in this period the temperatures plus tall of the year that could even to damage you Health .


According to the Spanish Association of Private Psychiatry (ASEPP) , the Summer sun causes anxiety .

The temperature externally that body needs is approximately 21 degrees and with more hot there is a hyperactivation of the metabolism to adapt and an activation cerebral that gives rise to anxiety, says José Antonio López Rodríguez, vice president of the ASEPP .


Start adapting and enjoy more

He adds that excess heat also produces Sleep disorders , that together with the anxiety generate crisis at the cerebral that alter rest and cause lack of energy in the day.

However, the symptom decrease after a few days because the body he adapt , that's why when you arrive August , when the temperature is higher, there is less incidence of this type of disorders, unlike July which is when the hot it affects plus.


Now you are adapting to the change in temperature; while in August you'll be more accustomed, says José Antonio López Rodríguez.

Although it can not be said that a heat stroke immediately produces anxiety , in people with disorders previous, it can be triggered.

Other situations that produce this disorder are to perform exercises balo intense sun, like running. The unmistakable symptoms are those of the sensation of nervousness , fatigue and irritability that detonate anxiety .

López Rodríguez explains that the elements climatic , as the sun, rain or wind influence the Health Y character ; for example, with rain people who have rheumatic diseases they resent it.

What do you think? Do you consider that it actually affects your mood to the degree of producing anxiety or, as other studies refer, the sunlight causes a state of well-being?

Video Medicine: How To Live Alone | A Year By Myself (April 2024).