Advantages of monogamy

The University of British Columbia published in the magazine Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, that in societies where men are allowed to practice polygamy ; competition between them increases violence, crime, poverty and gender inequalities in the face of what happens in cultures that practice monogamy .

The increase in competition among men, makes them more likely to have criminal behavior, to obtain resources and therefore more women. In polygamous societies there are higher levels of rape, kidnapping, murder, assault, robbery and fraud.

The monogamy is a relationship based on the idea of ​​sexual exclusivity between two people united by an affective bond such as marriage . Anthropologists say that the monogamous marriages they produce great benefits to societies as social conflicts diminish.

The main advantage of monogamy is that there is a more equal distribution of women, this fact reduces competition between men and the social problems associated with polygamy.

In addition, it favors long-term family planning, economic activity, saving and investment of economic resources in children.

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Video Medicine: Why Be Monogamous? | Brit Lab (April 2024).