Meet the balanced diet of Claudia Lizaldi

The conductor of CadenaTres, Claudia Lizaldi , take one diet balanced to stay in shape and keep your positive attitude to life. For her, love and natural products help achieve excellent physical and mental health.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Claudia Lizaldi revealed some of her secrets that generate happiness in her life and, above all, to keep that body delineated free of grease :

Claudia Lizaldi says that avoids the consumption of meat (red and chicken), processed products, soft drinks, potatoes, sweeteners made with chemicals and alcoholic drinks ; instead he prefers fresh and natural foods.

However, the driver says she is a fan of the chocolates , so you can eat them full and passion, before six in the evening. This does not affect your nutrition , because he knows how to balance them with the rest of his food.

In addition, Claudia Lizaldi points out that a complement to her diet balanced is the physical activity , so he likes to practice exercises cardiovascular yoga and the TRX Suspension Training, that helps her shape her arms, legs and buttocks.

Other aspects that keep Claudia Lizaldi fit and healthy are the signs of affection she gives to people, that is, hugs and kisses. In addition, it ensures that the feeding directly impacts the well-being and happiness of people. And you, are you happy with your diet?

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