Do the leaves fall, but also your health?

Time of transition, autumn brings with it climatic changes that can affect our health if the necessary precautions are not taken; However, what are the most common diseases in this season?

The decrease in temperature, the humidity produced by the rains and the wind, are elements that together increase the possibilities of acquiring respiratory infections; but also other ailments according to the Secretary of Public Health.


Do the leaves fall, but also your health?

To fully enjoy the sunsets that are characteristic of this time of year. GetQoralHealth presents you with 6 common diseases in the fall.

1.Depression. For him psychologist Roberto Castillejo, This is because melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating sleep and body temperature, increases with reduced sunlight. As a result serotonin, the hormone of happiness, decreases what causes us more apathy, fatigue and drowsiness or sadness.

2. Be careful what you eat. According to an article published in the portal of the Health Secretary, The rainy season has not yet ended, so gastrointestinal diseases continue, caused either by viruses that enter our bodies by air, causing severe gastroenteritis or by bacteria or parasites from foods that are easily broken down by heat and humidity. .

3. Conjunctivitis. Humidity also increases mucosal infections, so conjunctivitis is another of the diseases that occurs most often in the fall.

4. Heart Because the body strives to adapt to changes in temperature, this can lead to wear and tear and an overload of the cardio-respiratory system. According to a study presented in the magazine Ischemic cardiopathy, Seasonal changes can alter circadian rhythms and influence the natural functioning of the heart.

5. Skin . The humidity and cold that starts cause skin conditions, causing fungal infections or dermatitis due to allergies or dryness.

6. Common cold or catarrh. It is an acute infection of the respiratory tract, usually febrile, affecting the nose, throat and larynx, and sometimes the trachea and bronchi. This contagious disease is transmitted by air or by the particles that the affected person expels when he breathes, sneezes or coughs.

To prevent these common diseases in the fall, you can increase your daily routine a dose exercise, a balanced diet and the consumption of vitamins C. Remember that your health is in your hands.