Deadweight exercise:

When we look for a workout to strengthen the muscles and tone up, we must inform ourselves about everyone, to know which one is the best, according to our needs and body type.

For example, traditional weight exercises are not so recommended for people with large muscle mass, this will make your muscle grow even more. But, one type of exercise that is recommended for this and all body types are deadweight exercises.

According to studies published by the University of British Columbia, these types of exercises mark the muscles of the body faster and are less likely to suffer injuries, provided you do it correctly and with the corresponding weight.

This type of exercises work the main muscles of the legs, buttocks and arms


Deadweight exercise :


  • You must stand with your legs slightly apart.
  • The bar with weights should be on the floor.
  • Crouch and take the weight with your hands bending your knees to the bottom.
  • Subsequently, lift your body with the column as straight as possible.
  • It is important that you keep tension in your legs and buttocks when your body holds the bar.
  • The chin should be off the chest and look forward.
  • Slowly, resume the initial position.

Video Medicine: How to Do a Dead Lift | Boot Camp Workout (April 2024).