Do standing crunches

When it comes to doing sit-ups, it usually comes to mind to do them horizontally; that is, lying down. However, if we want these exercises to be more practical, we can work the abdomen while standing.

In this position, the oblique abdominals are the best and most toned, but you can also do exercises to work the central area. Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present some suggestions to make them:


To exercise the obliques

1. Standing, with legs slightly apart we make push-ups lateral trunk, trying to touch our feet. If you want to do more effort, you can put your legs together and without bending your knees, so the flexion It will be more forced but always without hurting you. 2. In the same position, raise one leg laterally, while trying to bring the elbow of the arm on the same side as the leg. Throughout the exercise, try to keep your leg straight and without bending the knees, so you also exercise your thighs .

These and others exercises to tone the obliques can be performed more intensely, it is only necessary to add a little weight using a device or dumbbell. To exemplify them, we present a video with some exercises:

To exercise core abdominals

1. Standing, extend the arms well stretched up the head, begin to lower them to the front as you lift the opposite leg, keeping it always straight. 2. For this exercise you should put yourself in a balanced and standing position; Then, raise one leg to the chest with the knee flexed. Try to hold that position for a few seconds and then drop it.

Keep in mind that the most advisable, so that the effort is greater and notorious, is to keep the abdomen contracted while performing the abdominals. This position will allow you good results, plus it will take you a short time to practice practically.

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