Aspirin reduces the risk of skin cancer

A new study of University Hospital in Denmark reveals that taking an aspirin a day would help reduce the risk of suffering by 15% skin cancer , even, any analgesic similar to acetylsalicylic acid offers protection against melanoma evil one.

In information published by The Huffington Post , it is emphasized that anti-inflammatory drugs without steroids (such as ibuprofen and naproxen) can reduce the risk of developing skin cancer ; However, the best way to prevent it is to use sunscreen and avoid exposure to UV rays.

However, researchers recommend visiting the doctor before taking any medication, to avoid side effects. For this reason, it is important to take into account other advice to prevent the appearance of Cancer , as the following:

1.- Protect your skin : The daily sunscreen application is an obligation. So buy creams that have a sun protection factor of 30. If you're going to expose yourself directly to the sun's rays, reapply every two hours.

2.- Move on: Do cardiovascular exercise every day. American Cancer Society recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five times a week to reduce the risk of skin cancer, because this activity lowers the levels of estrogen, testosterone and insulin, which are factors that increase the risk.

3.- Eat well: Research suggests that the consumption of phytochemicals in food can reduce the risk of suffering skin cancer .

4.- Create a cigar smoke-free zone: Recent research reveals that the smoke that remains impregnated in the clothes can damage your skin and detonate the neoplasm.

5.- Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages: Alcohol activates certain pathways towards cells that promote the progression and spread of breast and colon cancer, according to research from the Rush University Medical Center .

6.- Do not neglect your weight: 20% of deaths related to Cancer in women are linked to overweight , which may increase the risk of developing the neoplasm as the chances of dying from it.

Do not forget to explore your body, as soon as you feel some little ball or strange spot in the skin go to your doctor to rule out the presence of skin cancer or other types.

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Video Medicine: Low-Dose Aspirin and Reduced Risk for Cancer Metastasis (April 2024).