5 habits that trigger oral cancer

"Oral cancer, if not detected early can be fatal," says the doctor Jaime Edelson Tishman, president of the ADM-IAP Foundation.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Dr. Edelson explains that 20 years ago oral cancer was detected in men over 40 years. Even, the relationship between men and women was eight for one, but currently it is one to one.

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In addition, age has changed, because now it is found in young people of 12 and 14 years old, since many of them acquire it through unprotected oral sex.


5 habits that trigger oral cancer

According to information from the Mexican Dental Association (ADM) it is detailed that each year three thousand new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed.

The main risk factors for developing oral cancer, and for some people are habits, are:


  1. Smoking a pack or more for 30 years
  2. Drink pure alcohol
  3. Dentures or ill-fitting prostheses
  4. Poor oral hygiene
  5. Oral sex with people suffering from papilloma

In this last point, Dr. Jaime Edelson explains that through oral sex, the human papilloma strains (which are responsible for causing cervical cancer) jump to the mucosa of the mouth, which favors the neoplasm.


Examine your mouth!

To detect the presence of mouth cancer early, it is necessary to continuously check the oral cavity, as explained in the following video of the ADM Foundation.

It is very important that you go with a specialist to detect any tumor in time, because if it is less than two centimeters, it achieves up to 90% healing. And you, how do you take care of your mouth?

Video Medicine: Can smoking cause mouth cancer? (April 2024).