Alcohol causes abdominal obesity

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed in recent studies, that the alcohol consumption for a prolonged period of time produces obesity abdomina l in both men and women. In the case of men it also raises the Body Mass Index (BMI) .

The researchers also analyzed which were the drinks that increased the abdominal perimeter, and beer was the one that has a greater effect on the accumulation of fat in this part of the body.

According to data from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men who consume beer have 75% more risk of suffering obesity abdomina l, while the large consumers of wine exceed the risk by 25%. In the case of women with high alcohol consumption, the excess risk for beer is almost double that for wine.

With regard to wine, women who drink more than three glasses have a 60% higher risk of having overweight abdominal compared to those who drink only one glass. In men, the risk increases by 28%.

Because the obesity is a public health problem, it is recommended to moderate the consumption of alcoholic drinks also because drinking in excess generates alcoholism , a disease that can cause death.

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Video Medicine: What Causes a Beer Belly Medical Course (April 2024).