Company and fun, bad combination?

After a stressful week there is nothing better, for many, than to go out with the friends whether to eat, dine or other activities. However, how pleasant, and beneficial to the weight, is being with a friend when you arediet?

According to a study by the University of Birmingham , social and environmental factors cause people to cheat when it comes to eat and that are more susceptible to fall into temptations that not only put their diet at risk but can produce a bounce in the weight.


Company and fun, bad combination?

For many, being diet is synonymous with giving up on exits with friends. Although there are strategies that can help that is not so and that your weight is not in danger. We present seven tips, with information from Iván Martín, nutritionist at the Nutrition and Dietetics Clinic.

1. What to take? Choose those drinks that do not provide nutrients or calories empty It is always better to drink a beer or glass of wine before any carbonated soft drink rich in simple sugars.

2. Snacks If you are going to "nibble" it is preferable that they are dishes with food from your diet; example, mushrooms, grilled vegetables, Galician octopus, grilled cuttlefish, steamed mussels or ham.

3. Do not be afraid of the restaurant. It is convenient to choose a dish rich in vegetables: peas with ham, roasted pepper salad, stuffed mushrooms, grilled aubergines.

4. Meat. Opt, preferably, for fish since its protein is always going to digest better than any red meat present in the menu.

5. Long live the dessert! It could be a fruit salad or a sweet because there is no problem taking it occasionally once a week.

6. A sunny afternoon. A good option is to take fruit in the form of smoothie or juice. Also salads, nuts or even a good sandwich made with natural ingredients avoiding, once again, sauces and condiments.

7. No fast food? It is difficult to resist this temptation, so the expert Martin recommends that you avoid all the extras that can be added to these dishes, leaning more to be free of sauces, bacon and cheese.

Carrying a diet adequate and balanced, as well asphysical activity moderate throughout the week you can break your diet about twice a week. Remember that your health is in your hands. Beware!

Video Medicine: WEIRD Food Combinations People LOVE!!! *EATING FUNKY & GROSS DIY FOODS* (April 2024).