Christmas, a bad time to die?

If we had the opportunity to choose the right moment to die, many, definitely, we would not opt ​​for the Christmas time . However, these parties are oriented, not only to fun, but also to reflection and among them that of our existence.

Unlike the ancient cultures that understood life as a preparation for death, at present, the fear of death exists every time we expose ourselves to it. This fear is related to a feeling of helplessness, and often mediocrity. It is difficult for us to get rid of life without having achieved certain merits: love, employment, personal development ...

It is in the feeling of leaving things unfinished that many of us find it difficult to continue with the biological cycle of life. Among the most usual reasons why people would not like to die in the Christmas time are:

1. Leave the family. Do not see father, brother or partner again.

2. The need to see our children grow.

3. The frustration of not fulfilling the programmed plans

4. Failing to enjoy the happiness that this year brings.

The specialists consider that the human being is not prepared to understand that he is going to die, and all the implications that it entails. However, it is a part of ours that can not be avoided.

The Christmas time It is considered a bad time to die, but it is one of which families are reunited, there is harmony and awareness about our actions. So, is it really a bad date to end our lives?

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Video Medicine: 50 Ways to Expire in Minecraft - Christmas Edition (May 2024).