Suffering necessary?

Love is not always a pleasant experience, especially when it is not reciprocated. And although it is difficult to conceive, romantic rejection can cause physical pain, since this "no" activates the areas of brain that process the feeling of discomfort and suffering, as suggested by a study conducted by the Columbia University.


The lack of love or lovesickness can cause physical problems derived from stress and anxiety and severe psychological disorders, reaching depressive states, even the abandoned person may manifest suicidal ideas, "says an article in the Spanish Association of Cognitive Behavioral Clinical Psychology.


Suffering necessary?

Romantic rejection can occur before being a couple or during a relationship. The question is, what drives us to hold on to that person, and allow him to hurt us?

According to a study published by the Journal of Neurophysiology, This has a biological cause: the brain assimilates love (it does not matter if it is not reciprocated) as an addiction, the same as that presented by cocaine.

Helen Fisher , anthropologist of the Rutgers University , and leader of the research, points out that before a rejection the highest activity in the brain is presented in its base. In addition, the areas of this organ are also involved, related to the decision, physical pain and deep attachment.

Video Medicine: Is Suffering Necessary? (April 2024).