Herbal remedies for ear, nose and throat

They are not conditions that they put in danger life , but they are annoying and to alleviate them, there are treatments based on herbs and they are easy to prepare.

Natural remedy for earache

When you begin to feel pain in the ear I could have a infection . There are simple steps that will alleviate this condition.

If you consult with your doctor , there are probably many treatments available for ear infection. For example, oil Vitamin E or the garlic oil capsule. You simply need to heat the capsule in hot water to use as a cure for the ear infection.

To reduce the infection or pain by ear you can use the chamomile . Make a tea and wrap in a cloth impregnated with tea to put it in your ear. While warm therapy helps to heal a pain of ear , the cold therapy method is also effective. You can put a bag of ice for about 15 minutes in the ear .

The ginger It is also another effective herb against earache . Take fresh ginger, and mix with oil sesame . Take the mixture and place equal amounts in each ear. After you have done that, use a cotton ball to cover each ear. The cotton balls help prevent foreign substances from entering the ear.


Natural remedy for nasal discharge

Among the common ailments, the runny nose It is probably one of the most annoying; It does not hurt but the constant trickle is annoying and embarrassing at the same time. Meanwhile, if we do not pay attention to the runny nose, it can develop into a cough , sinusitis , pain of ears or all three. The good thing is that there are several home remedies for this condition.

Prepare about 2 liters of warm water. Dissolve a spoonful of common salt in the warm water and use that saline solution to wash the nose. Simply use a dropper to control the amount of the solution that enters the nostrils . Keep doing this until you feel some relief in your nose.

The thyme it's a kind of grass which is normally used for culinary purposes. However, it is also an effective home remedy against the runny nose. Finely crush a tablespoon or two of dried thyme. Once you have finely crushed the thyme, you can begin to inhale the powder mixture.

Another remedy to relieve the runny nose is the turmeric . Mix it with linseed oil and then heat it with the saffron until it starts to burn. Inhale the smoke that occurs to relieve the runny nose.


Remedies for pharyngitis

When you have sore throat , is usually an indication of health disorders . Therefore, we must not ignore it. In addition to health reasons, you should find a quick relief from viral sore throat, as this is accompanied by sneezing, discomfort and pain.

There are several natural ingredients that can reduce inflammation and pain. These are just some:


  • The Echinacea or the golden seal, effectively improves the immune system and also provides relief for sore throat due to cold or flu
  • Garlic, combat the bacteria or the virus that usually cause diseases.
  • The sheets of raspberry or blackberry , gargling with a solution of the leaves, can help alleviate the discomfort caused by sore throat
  • Cayenne pepper , include this in your gargles to relieve throat pain


Professional consultation

Although medicinal herbs have proven their effectiveness against these common health conditions, you should not ignore the symptom when they persist These methods are preventive measures during the early stages of the disease. When symptoms are still evident, you have to consult with your doctor to guarantee your safety.


  • When the condition lasts for several days, or longer than usual
  • When it becomes difficult to swallow or affects your breathing
  • When there is blood in your saliva or phlegm
  • High fever

Benefits of herbal remedies

One of the main advantages of using herbs as remedies is that you can be sure that you will not have collateral damage. Also, it is a cheap method since most of them are available in your home. Recently, natural ingredients have been incorporated into the process of treatments for healing.

Video Medicine: Baby Ear, Nose & Throat Health : The Remedies for Infant Ear Infections (May 2024).