For yoga you must free your thoughts

The yoga is a discipline difficult at the beginning start. The asanas , or positions are slow and are not meant to be painful, but this does not mean they are not challenging. It should never extend too much if they bother. With practice he will achieve relaxation easily.

However, for beginners there are some tips when practicing yoga. Release all your thoughts , good or bad before you start. Turn off the phone and stay in peace Y tranquility . Be sure to take after a warm and relaxing shower and use comfortable clothes that will allow you to stretch easily. You can use the aromatherapy to help relax. Buy a yoga mat to have more comfort and not slip on the floor. Regulate the light, or you can do it in sunlight, whichever suits you best. You may want something of music relaxing of the nature , maybe the Beach .

Without a supportive support, you may not be able to achieve some postures . Just remember that, while these are important, achieving something absolutely perfect is not the goal. Yoga is not just an exercise, it includes the mind and the intelligence and the reflection on the action.