
Undoubtedly something that worries women of our physique is the abdomen. Most of us would give anything to show off a flat belly and we think this is very complicated, but it is not, Say goodbye to belly fat with these foods!

According to a study published by The National Institute of Health In addition to exercise, reduced calorie intake is essential to achieve a flat stomach.

To help your metabolism and make it easier for you to get rid of the extra fat, I share 4 foods that will help you achieve it.



This fruit, besides being delicious, is a great source of melatonin, a powerful antioxidant that helps you lose weight.



They are perfect if you want to calm down that craving that makes you go for some chips. Not to mention that they are a rich source of magnesium, which helps you improve your mood.



If you are one of those who are against dairy, it is time to include them in your diet. Foods rich in calcium, such as milk, allow you to lose an inch of fat per 100 grams of it.



This meat, being a rich source of protein helps you to satisfy your appetite, burn more calories than if you consume fats or carbohydrates and reduce the likelihood of having dementia.


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