1. We are the only species that takes milk unnecessarily

There are several Benefits of consuming dairy products However, there are also very valid contrasts that warn of the risks they can cause when eating them.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the National Academy of Medicine Dietary Guidelines were published that recommend 2 servings of dairy each day, in addition to vegetables and fruits, legumes, cereals and foods of animal origin.

At a press conference, the nutritionist María Guadalupe Herrera , Delegate General of the Danone Institute , shared 10 myths and realities of dairy consumption that we tell you about below.


1. We are the only species that takes milk unnecessarily

All living beings require nutrients for daily life, but humans are the only mammals whose organism does not synthesize most of them.

For this reason we require external products such as milk, which offers us protein, lipids, calcium and vitamins.

Video Medicine: 15 Human Body Parts That Will Disappear One Day (April 2024).