Cheer up and be in good health!

Do you no longer have energy to perform your activities or do you feel sick or exhausted? In your hands is the solution to your problems. Your lifestyle is reflected in your health and mood, so it's time for you to adopt healthy habits.

According to a study conducted by the company Regus and the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Mexico has the most cases of work stress, which damages health and reduces life expectancy.

Even, in information published by The Huffington Post , more than 90% of diseases are related to stress. Therefore, it is time to analyze all your sufferings and adopt healthy habits that lengthen your life.


Cheer up and be in good health!

1.- Distract yourself. Go outside, walk and breathe to fill your lungs with oxygen. This action will relax your mind, will shape your body and reduce stress to enjoy life.

2.- Enjoy your family. Spending time with your loved ones is essential to strengthen emotional bonds. Play with your children and try to separate work activities from personal ones.

3.- Eat in moderation. A balanced diet will help you lose weight and avoid chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Slowly enjoy your food and use small plates to eat the right portions.

4.- Sleep well. People who sleep less than seven hours have a higher risk of respiratory diseases such as the flu or cold.

5.- Improve your self-esteem. Specialists of the University of London they ensure that the mood affects our health. Negative thoughts damage your self-esteem and generate a vulnerability to diseases such as depression, anorexia and insomnia.

6.- Dedicate time for you. In many occasions people forget their needs to attend to those of others, this is not healthy, as it directly impacts your mental and physical state. Do something that you like at least once a week to recover energy.

7.- Turn off the television. It is one of the main triggers of sedentary lifestyle, obesity and diabetes. Reduce this activity and choose something with more movement, like going for a walk, watering your plants.

8.- Reduce processed foods. These contain sodium, sugar and saturated fats in large amounts that can damage your cardiovascular health.

9.- Hydrate yourself. Water helps you to have a body free of toxins, skin radiant and free of impurities. Do not wait until you get thirsty, drink two liters a day.

10.- Conscious to your neck. Eliminates muscle tension in this area of ​​the body with stretching exercises. With this you will feel a physical and mental relief.

11.- Place plants in your house. The plants found inside homes help reduce eye irritation, stress levels and improve concentration, productivity and personal motivation.

With these healthy habits you will lengthen your life, improve your mood and reflect a positive attitude to others. Do not let laziness or routine reduce your quality of life. Enjoy everything around you to the fullest!

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