Change your habits and your self-esteem grows

This is a personal and everyday job. Respect you, accept how you are and change what is in your hands are key to increase your confidence. So that you enjoy the most every day of the year, live happier and happier, we share tips for raise the self esteem in 2015 .


Sarah Liu, researcher at the University of Concordia of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, notes that the self esteem is associated with the psychological well-being and thephysical avalanche. Raising it prevents health problems in middle age.

The self esteem It is a pillar of Personal development . It is not innate because it varies throughout life and is determined by several factors. The key is in the love toward you , with loving gestures, friendly and decisions appropriate to your personal welfare , Explain Maite Nicuesa Guelbenzu, PhD in Philosophy from the University of Navarra and expert in coaching and NLP.


Change your habits and your self-esteem grows

Remember that one low self-esteem is determined to a large extent so learned through the years. This emotional state is developed mainly by bad habits in your attitude and internal dialogue.

Therefore, increase your esteem is possible to the extent that the communication , thoughts Y concept towards you be friendly . Here are five keys to achieving change.

1. Trust in you. The essential thing is that you trust yourself and what you are capable of achieving. Remember that the most common cause of lack of self-esteem are the "bad" experiences of life. Although the past can not be changed, it begins to develop your confidence little by little, says Víctor Toscano , certified coach and member of the Association and Hispanic Speakers .


A strategy is to reach small successes . Ponte goals Real that you think you can achieve in 2015. When you manage to achieve success you increase the ability to do things that are increasingly difficult. In this way, confidence in you will increase, "advises the coach .

2. Be true to your values. Maite Nicuesa says that the key to not losing faith in you is to be true to your personal values ​​and Act in congruence with your ideas . In the beginning of the year you can start with a small exercise is to start practicing more the honesty with you and always avoid pleasing others.

3. Get over it. Víctor Toscano It is very important to determine the skills Y capabilities What are they important for you. It does not matter if you do not think you can develop them, you can learn to do a lot of things. The important thing is to find your purpose Y passion .

For example, you could strive to be better at what you enjoy and what you have more talent, this will give you great satisfaction and personal success.

4. Live conscious. This means being on constant alert about how you behave and your reactions to various circumstances of life. It is essential that you watch your thoughts and everything you say. This is a reflection work to start controlling your emotions and self-criticism.


By examining and identifying your negative thoughts, you can stop condemning yourself for your mistakes. For example, you can say: "I have the right to make mistakes, because that is how you learn," he advises. Víctor Toscano .

5. Forgive yourself. Closely linked to the above is forgiveness towards you. It is human to make wrong decisions or make mistakes, but to keep your self-esteem intact you need to forgive yourself constantly. It is the best way to follow your path, happy, without burdens and a way to leave behind the past, affirms Maite Nicuesa .

One more recommendation Maite Nicuesa is delete from your "emotional dictionary" the appellant "I can not" . This simple phrase makes you potentialize the autoboicot .

GetQoralHealth invites you to practice these simple tips to increase your self esteem in 2015. There is no better way to start the year than working for you and for you. In your hands is the power of liberation. Seize it!

Video Medicine: How To Build Self Esteem - The Blueprint (May 2024).