Phases of drug addiction

Many individuals who fall into the trap of drug addiction do not realize that they are developing a problem, until they are already too much inside. You must learn more about the initial symptoms and observe people who are possible addicts, so that they can be given immediate appropriate treatment.

Drug addiction is an abnormal condition triggered by too much use of drugs. Addiction disorders include the use of short-term drugs, a slower ability to react to the natural stimulus and be prone to relapse.

The DSM-IV or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has grouped three phases of addiction, called anticipation or worry, intoxication or binge eating and negative effect or withdrawal syndrome.

These groups are separated by the preoccupation of getting drugs, abusing the substance, going through the intoxicating effects and the abstinence syndromes. Drug addiction is not the same as tolerance to drugs or dependency.

Video Medicine: Beating Opioid Addiction | Joy's Story (April 2024).