Being the older sister exposes you to this disease ...

If you are a woman and you have brothers smaller increase your chances of suffering overweight or obesity, highlights a recent study.

An investigation in Sweden showed that, compared to the sisters who were born later, the firstborns were 29% more likely to have overweight and in the case of obsessiveness up to 40% more; The research was carried out in 13 thousand 500 pairs of sisters.


This study supports the findings of three previous studies in adult women and men, and children of both sexes, "said Dr. Wayne Cutfield, lead author of the study and professor of endocrinology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.


The study, published in theJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health , does not reach a precise conclusion about the reasons that would explain why first-born women tend to rise more than weight ; however, the researchers assume that the uterus is the reason.

It is likely that in later pregnancies there will be changes that increase the amount of blood supply to the placenta. Conversely, during the first pregnancy the blood vessels can be comparatively narrower, which limits the flow of blood.


This lower capacity for blood conduction reduces the supply of nutrients, thus reprogramming the regulation of fat and glucose, so that in later life, the person is at risk of storing more fat and generating an insulin that works with less efficiency, "said Cutfield.


However, it is not a determining factor and there are many more risks that could result in overweight, especially lifestyles that imply poor diet and lack of physical activity.

Video Medicine: Treasure's Older Sister Exposes Her Family As Frauds (April 2024).