Death of the mother of the actresses Paleta

This Wednesday, April 26, he died because of cancer in the stomach , Mrs Barbara Pacioreck , who was known in the middle of the show for being the mother of Ludwika Y Dominika Palette , although in her professional life, Pacioreck was an outstanding designer.

Two weeks ago, the Paleta sisters sent a statement in which they admitted that their mother was serious although they did not specify the illness that she suffered:

"We are in the need to make your knowledge that our mother is in poor health ... We ask the public, followers and media" respect "for our pain.

However, yesterday afternoon it became known that Pacioreck died because of a cancer in the stomach . Televisa, company for which actresses work, confirmed the news of the death of the designer, who in Mexico served as a teacher in Universities such as the Iberoamericana and the Metropolitan Autonomous.

The stomach cancer , also know as gastric cancer , is a disease in which cancerous (malignant) cells are found in the tissues of the stomach. The stomach is a J-shaped organ that is found in the upper part of the abdomen where food is broken down. Sometimes he Cancer It can be found in the stomach for a long time and grow considerably before it causes symptoms.