Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness

When do we know we have a cataract? What provokes it? Can it be transmitted from one eye to another? These and many other questions are those that assail millions of people who perceive sensitive changes in their vision and do not know how to react. A cataract occurs when the lens (the lens of the eye) becomes cloudy or opaque, affecting vision, so the first thing to do is go immediately to the ophthalmologist. Most cataracts are related to aging, although there is another type that can appear after a surgery, an injury or a wound, or as a consequence of certain radiations; There are even some babies born with cataracts. They can occur in one or both eyes and are not transmitted from one eye to another. According to the National Council for the Prevention and Treatment of Visual Diseases, cataract is the leading cause of blindness in Mexico. Despite being a condition that can be diagnosed and treated effectively: more than 98% of cataract surgeries are successful and uncomplicated and more than 95 percent of cases improve their vision.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor José Luis Merino It explains what are the most common symptoms and the optimal treatment to fight cataracts:

Risk and prevention factors

The National Eye Institute of the United States (NIE) studies new risk factors in the development of cataracts, including the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight and the role of genetics in the matter. In counterpart, also analyzes the results of some vitamin supplements that have been shown to delay the progress of cataracts. What is clear is what can be done to protect your eyesight: 1) Wear sunglasses and a hat to block UV rays can delay the development of cataracts. 2) If you smoke, stop doing it. 3) Good nutrition, which includes green leafy vegetables, fruits and foods rich in oxidants, helps reduce the risk of cataracts. 4) Anyone over 60 years of age should have a complete eye examination with dilated pupils, at least once every two years. And most importantly, an early diagnosis and proper treatment can save the eyesight.

Video Medicine: Cataract awareness, #1 cause of blindness worldwide - A State of Sight #75 (May 2024).